Latest News About the Campaign

  • Tyler and Cheryl Cannon, Owners of Sprouts Natural Food Cafe, Oppose Measure N

    NEWS | September 18, 2024

  • One Family's South Tahoe Story: These Cabins are Not "Vacant" - They are Filled with Memories and Love

    OP-ED | SEPTEMBER 13, 2024

  • Questions about Measure N? Attend our Community Townhall Meeting on September 23

    EVENT | SEPTEMBER 23, 2024

  • DC Vacancy Tax Horror Story - Homeowners Told to Pay Thousands in Taxes for Homes They Live In!

    NEWS | AUGUST 29, 2024

  • Horror Story from Vancouver Vacancy Tax Touted by Measure N Supporters as a Success

    NEWS | AUGUST 21, 2024

  • Letter in South Tahoe Now Says Measure N is Bad for Renters Too...We Agree!

    LTE | August 18, 2024

  • BREAKING NEWS: Yes on N Arguments "False & Misleading", subject to Court-Ordered Corrections

    PRESS RELEASE | August 13, 2024

  • Anaya Morali Op-Ed Devastates Measure N from a "Far Left" Perspective. Check It Out!

    OP-ED | AUGUST 12, 2024

  • Retired Firefighter/Forest Service Manager and South Tahoe Resident Tom Spencer on the Divisive Nature of Measure N

    OP-ED | August 5, 2024

  • OPPO WATCH: Measure N Authors Say Funds Can't Be Spent on Administration; Except in Their Own Presentation

    BLOG | August 5, 2024

  • FLAWED: The "Mind Boggling" flaw in Vancouver "Vacancy Tax" Repeated by Measure N

    NEWS | July 31, 2024

  • FLAWED: Windsor Canada's Vacancy Tax Forces Neighbors to Rat Out Neighbors

    NEWS | JULY 25, 2024

  • Council Member Tamara Wallace Take Measure N Down in Powerful Letter to Community

    OP-ED | July 23, 2024

  • No on Measure N Leaders' Op-Ed Explains Why They're Leading the Fight Against Measure N

    OP-ED | July 9, 2024

  • No on Measure N: Stop the South Tahoe Vacancy Tax to hold town hall on July 17 - Tahoe Daily Tribune

    NEWS | Jul 7, 2024

  • Stop the South Tahoe Vacancy Tax group to hold second town hall meeting - South Tahoe Now

    NEWS | July 2, 2024

  • July 17 Campaign Townhall in South Lake Tahoe

    EVENT | July 2, 2024

    Join us for our summer campaign townhall meeting and learn how you can help defeat Measure N. the South Tahoe Vacancy Tax

  • Yes on Housing, No on the Vacancy Tax

    BLOG | JULY 2, 2024

    Vacancy Tax supporters say theirs is the only plan to address housing affordability in Souh Taheo, but that’s not true. South Lake Tahoe and our coalition are leading the fight to address these issues.

  • Vacancy Tax claims that measure is pro-business don’t stand up to basic scrutiny (Opinion)

    OP-ED | JUNE 30, 2024

  • Anti-Vacancy Tax Campaign Calls Out False Claim that Vacancy Tax is “Pro-Business”

    PRESS RELEASE | JUNE 20, 2024

  • Vacancy Tax Report Flawed! – Letter to the Editor – South Tahoe Now

    NEWS | JUNE 19, 2024

  • Statement of the Stop the South Tahoe Vacancy Tax Campaign on Voter Registration

    NEWS | May 30, 2024

  • Coalition Announced to Defeat the South Tahoe Vacancy Tax

    NEWS | MAY 15, 2024