Measure N Supporters Should Read Their Own Measure 

Measure N Supporters Keep Saying that the Proceeds of Their Tax Can’t Be Spent on Bureaucracy and Administration


We suppose you have to give them some credit for sticking to their lies. Measure N backers keep saying that the taxes collected under their so-called “Vacancy Tax” scheme can’t be used to fund the administration, enforcement, compliance, and litgation costs.

They even filed a ballot argument to appear in the Official Voter Information Guide making his claim.

One problem…it’s not true.

And they know it!

The graphic to the right is from their very own online townhall meeting last week. And of course, the text of Measure N, which they wrote, also clearly states that the tax can fund the bureaucracy to set up and run a system in which the City has to track the occupancy of 16,000 homes every year.

We think the cost of this bureaucracy will be massive. Maybe they think it will be smaller. Let’s have that debate. But when they continually lie to the voters and say the cost of the Measure N bureaucracy is ZERO…well…we’re not buying it!

In fact, common sense would tell you that funding the Measure N bureaucracy will be the first call on the funds…no bureaucracy, no tax, right?

Vote No on Measure N!