We Oppose the Vacancy Tax

A broad coalition of South Tahoe residents, taxpayers, small businesses, and community groups are opposing the divisive, flawed, and unaccountable Vacancy Tax. And our coalition grows every day.

  • Tahoe Chamber (Lake Tahoe South Shore Chamber of Commerce)

    South Lake Tahoe Chamber of Commerce

    South Lake Tahoe Police Officers Association

    South Tahoe Restaurant Association

    South Tahoe Lodging Association

    South Tahoe Association of REALTORS

    South Tahoe Taxpayers

    Tahoe Keys Property Owners Association

    Tahoe Meadows Association

  • Tamara Wallace, City Council Member, South Lake Tahoe

    Rob Giustina, Live at Lakeview Commons

    Duane Wallace, South Lake Tahoe Chamber of Commerce

  • Make Jameson

    Denise Power

    Rich Draeger

    Cindy Rawlings

    Ron Coldiron

    Kelly O'Haire

    Tom Spencer

    Gina Thompson

    Joe Grove

    Tom Yant

    Wayne McKnight

    Daniel Biller

    John & Svetlana Raleigh

    Diana & Stu Roberson

    Tod Johnson

    Lilliam Hvidsten

    Toni Hall

    Ambra Virban

    Diane Solari

    Terri Jinkens

    David Jinkens

Join the Fight against the Vacancy Tax •

Join the Fight against the Vacancy Tax •