Access Our Materials and Downloadable Content

We’re happy to provide you with this page to download our materials and content for you to share and use in campaigning against the Vacancy Tax.

  • Our New Video Ad Highlights a "World Tour" of Failures by "Vacancy Taxes"

  • It Happened Again! Check Out this Facebook Exchange Between Scott Robbins and One of Our Supporters!

  • Full Text of Measure N - Download and Read for Yourself How Flawed This Measure Is

  • Our First Campaign Video: "Measure N is No Solution for South Tahoe"

  • Robbins Effectively Admits Measure N Would Be Unenforceable Without a Huge New City Bureaucracy

  • Full Video of July 17 Townhall Meeting

  • PowerPoint from July 17 Townhall Meeting

  • Fact Checking the Claim that the Vacancy Tax is Pro-Business

  • Get the Facts About Measure N - The South Tahoe Vacancy Tax

  • It's the No on Measure N Leaders Who Are Fighting for Housing Affordability - Get the Facts